So Joe and I went down for a SHORT weekend to visit Jaclyn and Cat. It was a nice weekend and it was good to go back to Lynchburg, but WOW what a shock when you go back! It had been about a year and a half since we were last there, and there is so much that is different! It is more built up around the town, but that is to be expected, but really what was so overwhelming was Liberty's campus! It definitely is not the same university that I went to!
First there are just so many more people that are on campus now, but there are just so many other things that they have. For instance, paint ball, a ski thing (see below - it's not real snow, but you can ski on it), more dorms, Barnes and Nobles, Doc's Cafe, and on and on.
There is a different aire to it now too. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to go back and remember great memories, but things have changed there on campus, and I am not so sure if for the better. Do I still think that it's a great school? Yes! But I worry that they are steering away from the foundation that makes Liberty the great university that it is.
Anyways, as I ramble; we saw friends and family and it was very nice. We definitely wished we had more time to see more people and relax, but hopefully we will be able to go down again during the spring or summer to visit longer. Molly stayed at home with NaNa and Pop, so it was good to enjoy time with just Joe!
And we did just that on the ride home! It normally takes 6-6.5 hours to get home, and it took a whopping 10 HOURS Sunday to get home. I was never so happy to drive into NJ and smell the wonderous aroma!
We also stopped on Friday to visit Joe's aunt Lyn and Carol, which was great! It had been a while since we last saw them, so it was so nice to just catch up and see how all were. Thanks again, Lyn for letting us come and visit!
And, of course, Miss Jaclyn!
It was a great visit, just a little on the short side, but so good to see everyone and of course eat at Tokyos (I wanted to order some and bring it home, but Joe told me that I was being a little ridiculous, so I just ate my whole entire plate - yes all of it - and then had a belly ache from the yum yum sauce all the way home - I should've just brought it home to enjoy!)